Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Perspectivity: The Statement

However it came to be, I have been given ultimate and supreme control over a range of words, thoughts, and deeds that lie within that which I call the realm of my autonomous agency. Therefore, though I am a comparatively small part of an unimaginably larger encompassing reality, I claim ultimate divinity over at least myself; my words, thoughts and deeds. And I command myself as a God; My will power literally moving the matter of my body in this world. I will treat Myself as a Divine being, while treating all those others around me with the recognition of Their divinity, likewise!



Perspectivity is a gift to be offered, though Perspectivity is a gift which cannot be given. Perspectivity cannot be given in the same way that learning from experience cannot be given. For, however true the learning from anothers' experience may be, one may have difficulty in hearing that meaning and may find difficulty in understanding that meaning as the Truth, not bein experienced directly.

Thus it is that often we find that others, particularly younger more inexperienced others, simply disregard the good advice born from the abstracted experience of common sense, authority, culture and society -- of civilization. The truisms of one generation seem not to ring true until experienced directly as one's own experience in one's lived generational experience. So it is, I am afraid, with the gift of Perspectivity. A gift which cannot be given, but a frame of reference which can be received if offered in the correct time and place and in the presence of a person willing, ready, and able to receive it as the key to transforming the consciousness resulting from any less-than-ideal frame of reference...viewpoint, world-view, or more simply, from a perspective.

Perhaps the easiest way to acquaint the initiate into the concept of Perspectivity is to ask directly; "What is it that you are, what makes you 'you' and who is this self that we all seemingly refer to?" That ME, I, MY, MYSELF, that WHO I AM...etc. When asked such a question, some will make claims to the seeming continuity of consciousness and memory, that collection of experiences we call a "self" or "past" or "history". Nevertheless, when pressed, each of these concepts falls apart under the scrutiny of philosophical inspection -- where does the self reside? In the molecular machinery of the Human Body's Brain? In the psychological networking of cognition we commonly call the mind? In the fantastical conceptualization of a disembodied, spiritual essence -- for which not a shread of physical EVIDENCE can exist? in fact, many Western philosophers have already dealt specifically with the epistemologies of knowledges addressing such points: But, to no avail, the question of who or what constitutes the sensation of "the SELF" continues to remain omino-silently unanswered.

And though the question of identity is increasingly asked in an age of media-conglomerated propogandized identity, collective proscriptive "selves" created for the express purpose of selling goods and services in an internaitonalized, global market of monetized exchange; the World, Capitalist Economy -- this matter of the true foundations of THE SELF, however, while certainly important, is not germaine to the purpose of THIS SPECIFIC work; this work which is the proliferation of Perspectivity Perspectivity itself, is the insight this work aims to clarify.

Simply, the functioning of a shift in consciousness, the moving to another position of viewing one's experiences in the world; a shift in viewpoint that has the potential to completely redefine the quality of one's experiences, literally transforming Hell into Heaven, Shame into Pride, Judgement into Compassion, Hate and Rage into Love, peace and absolute SERENITY. And that is the gift, no less and no more, that this work, the Exegesis of Perspectivity has to offer. And for anyone ready, in many cases, able, and willing to do the hard work required to receive the gift, the lesson, the rosetta stone to a fulfilling and full life -- Perspectivity lies open and available for the grasping. It is, after all, ultimately, a matter of absolute Perspective. Perspectual approach to live that is constituted by, itself, Perspective.

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