Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Book 1:2 Philisophical, not Spiritual Worship

Book 1:2 Philosophical Recognition, not Spiritual Worship

After reading The Statement and Book One above, My best childhood friend commented, by writing to Me stating that I am “going to become the leader of a new religious movement!” However, I would like to claim right here and now, at the outset, that becoming a part of or creating some new kind of “religious movement” is not interesting to Me.

Moreover, I shall subsequently explain why what will come to be attributed to Me, but that which is not within my personal possession, is of Philosophical, not religious nature. More on this later.

But as for becoming some sort of part of a religion, or a religious guru, neither interesting to Me would be such aims, concepts, goals or ends; never could these be for Me enviable, desired or sought after achievements. I hope to explain My perspective on these matters and have others join Me in the understanding of my explanation. And the "Me" with a capital M of which I write, is not anything other than a voidless perspective, a point of awareness of sense-perceptions in Reality. A point of Reality that has become aware of itself. Me.

What I wish to do by publishing PERSPECTIVITY is none other than the sharing of my heavenly state of bliss; the peaceful serenity that comes in recognizing one’s Autonomous Divine Choice in the forms in which one machinates one’s self in this world; that these sets of realized choice-behaviors are none other than the activity which any person notices who comes to be interpreted as a SAGE, as a KNOWER, as a MESSENGER or as a PROPHET. And I understand that others may come to view me as these things, though I wish to clearly claim none of the hierarchical relations between speaker and listener that these titles entail. And I deny any claim of social positioning, with respect to the listener, other than to say that if one (the listener/reader/thinker/and Human Perspective) comes into contact with the content of the Truths contained in the purpose of This Message, and continues to engage them, one has manifested the fact of the continued contact of this message into his or her life.

Recognize that one is or is not continuing to read these words, and that the continuance of the act fully depends upon one’s choice to do so. If one wishes to stop thinking, learning, and growing one’s understanding, intellect, and Holy Perspective in this Life, one is free to do so. Such is called the sin of SUBMISSION; The Submitting of the Divinity of the Self to Another (Idea, Person, or socio-cultural system).

Now, by extrapolation, imagine that a person adopts into his or her life, only a fraction of some of the insights one may gain in the reading of This Message; The Message which is simply that: Every Human is a God, a Divine Realm of Being which includes all the atoms, cells, and organs under the direct control of one’s own mentally manipulated Body; That all Thoughts which ever occurring in one
s Mind and all Actions, Deeds, and Behaviors in which one may engage take place either with the ACTIVE or PASSIVE acquiescence of One’s Divine Being – One’s Will, One’s Free Choice, Ones Unavoidable Participation in one’s own Life.

– You are ultimately responsible, as a God, to determine all things within your power to choose and control. I AM. All Other beings are as well, whether they know it or not. And it is that many other beings fail to recognize this, which is the purpose of this message. None other than the simple opportunity for those of us ready, willing, and able to consider other Perspectives, the opportunity to consider a perspective that can Yank one from the inferior end of a binary to the superior end of the Binary, to a place where one recognizes all Binaries as falsehoods, and stoops to Yank the Divine Beings Around them out of the Cloudy delusional thinking which keeps our Brothers and Sisters from Joining us at the FEAST of LIFE. All Opportunities to live, grow and be, under the INTENTIONAL DECISION OF THE DIVINITIES WE ALL ARE.

Choose to recognize for a moment that you are choosing to read more, to understand more, and to consider a perspective which is probably very alternative to the former perspectives which have framed and constrained your potential understandings of your life in invisible and consequential manors. The consideration of these constitutes the main artifice of this work.
Nevertheless, I do in fact also recognize that the particular forms of viewing the world offered here have the very likely and probable potential of becoming misconstrued by many as “Blasphemy against the Almighty, Divine, God of All Creation, the Creator of All, the Omega and Alpha.”

The supposition of blasphemy on my part, however, could not be further from the truth. In fact, I wish neither to create a religious movement nor to defile the Divine. Rather, I wish to pluck up all souls who have become defiled in their minds, through the continued pollution of their thoughts, words, and deeds. All those who have come to feel they have no choice, no free will, no autonomy, those who feel their lives are constrained by a set of circumstances out of their control… all those who feel consigned to live a life that was not of their choosing. I look to such people and say the truth that the truth-Sayers before me have always said, but which so many have not been able nor will they be able to hear --- that which is the TRUTH OF ALL PERSEPCITVES AND UNIVERSALLY TRUE: The Tautological Paradox
Tautological Paradox of Perspective

“Every person chooses the way he or she sees the world. Every and each person’s mental disposition(s), attitude(s), belief(s) about any or all things (i.e., themselves and the world in which they live) are but mere possible points, locations, and coordinates in a cloud of perspectual potentials which come to constitute the content of any persons’ mental dispositions, personal attitudes, philosophical and religious beliefs about things, themselves and the world in which we all live. This sounds paradoxical, and tautological, and it is admittedly both, a tautology and a paradox. Literally, how one chooses to see the world, is how one comes to see the world, it is these (rosy) colored lenses through which the world is viewed which comes to define what is seen in the world. Thus the Tibetan Buddhist said that ‘if you change the way you look at the world, the things you see in the world will change.”

The reality of the facts of expectations and beliefs feeding back into our experience of our existence and the Reality of our lives in the World are pointed to again and again by therapists, psychologists, and socio-cultural critics in a variety of poorly understood and seldom acknowledged manners. There are many, and none said here are new.

In any case, the power to choose how one approaches life is within one’s own control, whether one knows it or not. And acting on such knowledge, so as to transform for the better one’s own experienced life, and those that come to experience that person’s life, makes ALL THE DIFFERENCES and is simply a matter of any person’s choosing or not to act within the confines of his or her life, with the knowledge that, he or she may or may not choose to do or not do anything within that person’s Divine Realm of Control.

We have many unhelpful self-imposed limitations on these beliefs, which enlarge the area of our lives that is effectively out of our control: if asteroids hit the earth, or if Aliens decide to come to our planet. But outside of these rare and unlikely events, most of any person’s life is under his or her influence and can be easily and quickly modified so as to bring that person into a more harmony with his or her own self and those around him or her. If one wishes the possibility of knowing more about how this might work, or about the nature of this reality, one has arrived at a place where one might hear more about this matter.

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