Wednesday, March 17, 2010



Your Back up against the wall, you really have nowhere to run from the fear of others finding out just how deviant you really are:

And you can either participate in the matrix of control that will only and ever force you into claiming always to be other than who you really are; and thereby, at the same time, to actively participate - complicity - in the social and spiritual fabrication of your own shame, self-deprecation, self denial, self hatred, and self loathing …

Or, alternatively, you always and at all times have the option of taking a stand – of walking toward and into the liberating light of the bravery that will surely place you as the causal phenomenal epicenter of your own social demise (and spiritual awakening); by making the choice to allow yourself to lower your social standing through your honesty, self-acknowledgment, self-acceptance and self-love…by facing the truth of the reality that is yourself.

KNOW THAT and be forewarned, that in standing tall, in not flinching from the facts of yourself you will be choosing the life that is to lower yourself with respect to the system of controlling definitions - those straigthjacketign machinations that define even the very the sources of meaning, coherence, and order.

In choosing the freedom of self acknowledgment and the liberation that is the death of self-denial, You will place yourself at the outskirts of society, on the margins, beyond the acceptable, the normal, the good, the average, beyond the legitimate -- at that singular moment you can make a choice to be true to yourself and to stand in the light of day – head held high, insisting upon the truth of your wholeness without regard to the fear of the consequences that will follow.

Be forewarned, Those witnessing around you will be quivering, in the hesitating fear that is the refusal to stand in their own truths, on their own two feet, cowering back from the realities of who they are, who they wish they could be, the personal potential and potential of person-hood they never will be graced to experience.
And as they choose to die that spiritual death of their moral beings, they will not fail to angrily condemn you for your liberty, freedom, and self love.
At every moment you can choose again by apology either to play into the system of control of self and control of others, or you can choose again to fly free from that system of control and in so doing at the same time you can choose to accept and to deal with that consequences that a move toward self-liberation always entails the death of your group identities in race, religion, nation, and state, class, and gender, conformity, belonging, sameness.

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