Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Family Laughter

In my family, we have the ability to laugh way down in our chests…

Like a bolt of lightning that strikes into our souls, we feel the uncontrollable force of nature, happiness, moving not only the spirit and the mind, but also the body.

And for that moment, with the heaving of muscles and the clenching of guts, for that one single moment, nothing is better, no place more important, and nothing more beautiful or pure in the universe than the laughter itself.

The third rail

Looking toward the on coming train; leaning too far over the ledge I imangined what that light must look like from the vantage of some one who had managed to find themelves fallen down onto the tracks.

Could a person that supposedly loved his life, imagine for a moment how the light slithering around the rails might look from down there?

- how that glimmer of amber illumination could foreshadow not a helpful forward movement through space and time - rather the end ending of experiencing space and time. The liquid light that slips and slides around those twin lines might now become the unsnapped halos of hellish angels come to welcome me to the sins of grief: wasted opportunities to repair my unkind words, deeds and thoughts.

And the mucky ashey refuse of so many discarded Peices of trash surrounding; the things I've done to loved ones and strangers.