Trees scream their whispers as canopies and branches sway in golden sunlit winds and everywhere the foliage is set in stark colorful relief against crispy and bright and blue skies, no hint of clouds.
Green leaves against blue; reddening leaves against blue; and soon to be yellow, orange, purple and brown leaves against blue. These contrasts tickle eyes with their colors, colors soon to be replaced by only the bare-thatched and empty braches of late autumn against a graying sky.
When twilight surges and the colors of sky and trees are replaced by black and white of starlit nighttimes, it is then that insect legs shout attention away from the trees – and the warmth of day is replaced by the slap of the chilly, starry, and tranquil night.
Still warm enough to feel the ebbing death of summer, and crisp enough to sense winter’s gestation. The sliding times between solstices are the equinox, vernal, and now, autumnal.